Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head (HQ Audio)-thermotron field service training


 the national service managers from thermotron

Bob Wiley thomas patterson tom bannach Roger cannady and associates Dave Waterfield the (dummy)
Ron wiley the liar and Good old boy--

Daniel J Okeefe-- motto-- just lie to the customer and defraud your co workers--

harassment and drumming -- employee's out-- Gee can't you take a hint??

when i worked at thermotron-- i got training with a lot of bar flys -- lars cheats--

bring the customer to a girl i.e. bar -- and then ask him to write a good review -- of your work on the job--

Gee he did such a good job -- on that start up--

and what you don't know won't hurt you-- Ya -- sure--

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thermotron Show Ep 265 "Life Is A Circus" Field service engineer


with thermotron all u need is a GED to be an engineer-- special training -- is required--

and some training at a jounor college -- might be -- helpful

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Fools' Parade -- Pastor Mark Driscoll- thermotron management training 4 perverts


at thermotron-- it is ok to lie cheat steal embezzle-- because all companies are corrupt--

This was and is demonstrated -- over the last 50 years with thermotron--

and after you get your training at thermotron-- you can go to Russles technical products-- and work with Bill Bench and Gary mole-in-a -bar--

or maybe ESPEC and meet Mike Barrs -- i highly trained former employee--

or EST testing com with Thomas Bannach and experience that leadership training--

Yes with Hil Sybesma -- at Tenny-- he is just like you would expect -- form a former thermotron employee

and a Holland Michigan dutch and christian reformed church goer

Wow -- let the games begin!!